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San Jose Sharks

Pilot Testimonial


Central Coast Diamon Fusion has a product that reduces the amount of living material on any kind of surface.  My job is to fly professional athletes from one destination to another.  Players of this caliber need the best care available to them.  Central Coast and our group did a test, utilizing their coating inside our plane.  Prior to the installation of Central Coast’s coating, at least one or more persons became ill from being confined to a small space for an extended period of time.


As we value our passenger’s health tremendously, we introduced Central Coast’s coating onto the surfaces of the interior of the plane.  Over the past year, not one person fell ill from riding on our plane.


I believe that the coating played a role in controlling the spread of harmful biologics from one person to another.



Thank You



Jack Scheifly


Capo Beach Calvary

Scotts Valley High

Equipment Test

I have been trying to provide my student athletes with a cleaner and healthier environment inside the school facilities.  Reggie Stephens, one of my assistance has brought to my attention a NEW product from One Green World called PureLife. 


PureLife represents the first generation of advanced and e4nviormentally friendly products that have the ability to not only sanitize and deodorize, but also prevent and eliminate some of the most dangerous health issues that exist today including the spread of disease caused by bacteria, influenza and viruses.  PureLife not only does not contain any VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compound) `but they actually eliminate VOC’s safely using a photo-catalytic oxidation method that is available in liquid form and continue to be active for years after application. 


In July of 2010 representative of One Green World applied its proprietary PureLife product onto gym equipment and training room equipment at Scotts Valley High.  The application was done by a local Santa Cruz company called Central Coast Diamon-Fusion.  The results were eye opening.

All tests are measured with an ATP tester.  The ATP test is a process of rapidly measuring actively growing microorganisms through detection of adenosine triphosphate, or ATP.  The unit of measurement is made in RLU’s (Relative Light Units).

                                           Before Treated                                                                                     After Treated

Training Table           Test #92   = ATP Meter Results 129 RLU         Test #98 = ATP Meter Results 24 RLU


Bathroom Wall ***   Test #93 = ATP Meter Results 417 RLU  Test #104 = ATP Meter Results 213 RLU


Training Wall             Test #94 = ATP Meter Results 84 RLU    Test #99 = ATP Meter Results 29 RLU


Beach Press               Test #95 = ATP Meter Results 397 RLU  Test #101 = ATP Meter Results 2 RLU


Work bench 1            Test #96 = ATP Meter Results 254 RLU  Test #100 = ATP Meter Results 3 RLU


Work bench 2            Test #91 = ATP Meter Results 289 RLU  Test #102 = ATP Meter Results 7 RLU


Wresting mat             Test # 97 =ATP Meter Results 534            RLU DID NOT TREAT


Product Description


  • Prevents/Eliminates Organic Based Odors

  • Prevents/Destroys Mold & Airborne Mold Spores

  • Remedies “Sick Building Syndrome” By Purifying Indoor Air And Surfaces

  • Prevents The Spread Of Germs, Viruses And Bacteria (Including E-Coli & MRSA Reported Be Resistant To Antibiotics)


*** Very harsh cleaning chemicals used in bathroom would result in high numbers in retest

Scotts Valley High
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